1. January 2023

Röthenbach Center in Nuremberg is developing – VÖLKEL arranges lease extension with EDEKA

The Röthenbach Center in Nuremberg’s Röthenbach district was opened in 1987 and since then has performed its strong function as a district center with around 30 stores on around 14,400 m².

EDEKA, formerly Marktkauf, has been the anchor tenant in the Röthenbach Center since 1987 and has invested heavily in the rental space. As a result, VÖLKEL was able to extend the rental agreement with EDEKA on a long-term basis. In addition to EDEKA, the positioning of the Röthenbach Center as a strong district center is supported by Deichmann, dm, Ernstings family, Mister & lady and other high-performing tenants.

The supermarket Marktkauf with a focus on food was converted into an EDEKA E-Center with a modern and friendly atmosphere at a cost of around EUR 3 million in recent months. On an area of around 4,800 square meters, customers can expect a large selection of products at discount prices and branded goods from the EDEKA full range, as well as regional, national and international specialties. The focus is on freshness and variety with an extensive fruit and vegetable department and a fresh meat and sausage counter over 204 meters long. In addition to groceries, there is of course also a wide range of non-food items available, as is typical for EDEKA. The product range is presented in a generation-friendly way with a clear arrangement of goods, wide aisles, low shelves and a new spacious checkout area.

Nuremberg is the second largest city in Bavaria with around 530,000 inhabitants and, together with Fürth, Erlangen and Bayreuth, forms a metropolitan region with around 3.5 million inhabitants. The center is conveniently located on the B14 and is perfectly connected to public transport via a subway and bus station. Alternatively, customers can also park free of charge in the center’s 380 parking spaces.

VÖLKEL Real Estate GmbH has been managing the center as a full-service provider since 2017. VÖLKEL was founded in Hamburg in 2004 and, in addition to operational property management, offers a wide range of other services relating to the life cycle of commercial real estate.